• 17:00 Uhr bis 13:00 Uhr (Europe/Berlin)

    • How does a society based on growth shape our thoughts, feelings and actions?
    • How can we unlearn the accelerating logic of capitalism and rethink our lifes and communities according to real needs?
    • What resources can we mobilize for a fruitful transformation while avoiding burnout?

    The imaginary of growth not only rules the world, but also our minds and souls. While we organize for a better future we find ourselves more and more entangled in the very logic of the system we work to change. We want a world free of exploitation and unnecessary hardship, but we overbook our agendas, check emails dozens of times a day, pile up to do lists, and never seem to keep up with the increasing pace of self-optimization. How can we unlock the internalized psychological and cultural settings shaped by a profit-oriented society and instead contribute to a just and ecological transformation?

    During this training we will explore the psychodynamics of capitalism and our own embodied barriers towards a transformation – in practice and theory. We will reflect on the influence that an economy based on growth and expansion has on our personal, social and professional lives.

    The program consists of theoretical input and experiential methods such as theatre, play and walks. We offer space to actively reflect our own mental models and experiment with their convertibility by looking at and for alternative paths of thinking and psychological resources to subvert the logic of scaling.

    For further information and registration, please check our website or the call for application (PDF).

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