“Wake up call on the environment, a student Manifesto” sucht Unterstützer*innen in Deutschland für große Kampagne

Das Studentische Manifest für ein Ökologisches Erwachen (Link) hat letztes Jahr vor allem in Frankreich, aber auch in vielen anderen europäischen Ländern Wellen geschlagen. Über 30.000 Studierende unterzeichneten die radikale Erklärung für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz und haben damit bekundet, nicht für Arbeitgeber*innen arbeiten zu werden, die die enthaltenen Forderungen nicht erfüllen.

Jetzt ist die nächste große, pan-europäische Kampagne geplant und dafür suchen sie speziell nach Support von deutschen Hochschulgruppen, weil sie hier kaum Aktive haben (nur Ulm, glaube ich). Das stand in ihrer Email an alle Unterzeichner*innen - Hervorhebung im Original ;-)

Since last year we have come quite a long way. We shared some updates in different newsletters [Achtung, französisch] but they were not translated in english and mainly concerned the french context. In short, we didn’t stop at gathering signatures. We have been actively talking to politic and economic leaders in France to push companies and higher education institutions to go well further in tackling the environmental crisis. We’re writing to you to discuss how things could also move in Germany.

We are about to take a step further at the end of next october by launching a new communication campaign with an ambitious message and scale. We specifically want that the ideas that we carry spread abroad. We are preparing a multilingual video translated to English, German, Italian and Spanish associated with tools available in those languages. - interessant für WECHANGE/Plattform N?

We are thus looking for relays in the national networks or in universities in Germany. If you are a member of a group that may spread our future actions or if you’re particularly motivated by our actions and would like to help us spread them in Germany you can fill this form.

We will organize a call at the end of next week to provide further details about our plans and start collaborating!

Best regards,

Corentin Bisot and Chloé Vincent

Ecological Awakening


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