Call for Contributions at KOSMOS-Conference

Dear everyone,

this is a Call for Contribution! On the occasion of Alexander von Humboldt's
250th birthday and in light of his famous Kosmos lectures,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is staging the KOSMOS Conference in
Berlin from 28th - 30th August 2019. Termed 'Navigating the
Sustainability Transformation in the 21st Century' this conference
shall provide a landmark for today's great challenges towards
A critical and constructive debate on the United Nation's Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) will be the focal point of the conference.
For the details please visit the conference website at

Please forward this First Circular to further colleagues who might be

On behalf of the KOSMOS Conference team at Humboldt-Universität zu
Belin, and with best wishes,

KOSMOS Conference
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
28th - 30th August 2019

    1. 1 Kommentieren
  • Marla Kaupmann

    Was für eine geile Sache an der HU wird der Weg hin zu einer Nachhaltigen Transformation diskutiert!!! Leute die Schritte die wir gerade gehen sind riesig! <3! To all of you