• 12:00 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr (Europe/Berlin)

  • This German-Polish symposium aims at sparking a fruitful exchange between those who work on sustainability: on the one hand, those working on the educational content (e.g. trainers, facilitators) and on the other hand those who provide the learning environment (e.g. representatives of educational centers).

    Together we will discuss and experience how we can create sustainable learning environments:

    • How to make educational centres more environmentally friendly and sustainable (e.g. regarding food, technical equipment, accommodation)?
    • How to assure authenticity and coherence in the training design (e.g. in educational material, trainers’ attitude, travel)?
    • And how to create an added-value for training centers by local or regional cooperations?

    In short: How can we practically implement what we often discuss and actually “walk the talk”?

    We invite everyone who is trying to foster sustainability-related education, thinking and living - in particular:

    • trainers, facilitators and educators ...
    • representatives of educational and meeting centers and their networks ...
    • ... from Germany and Poland

    On the symposium's agenda:

    1. 1 Kommentare
  • Elisabeth

    Noch Plätze frei! Es gibt noch bis zum 25.10. die Möglichkeit, sich anzumelden; die Plätze werden nach "first come, first serve"-Logik vergeben.