• bis (ganztägig) (Europe/Berlin)

  • Daniel C. Wahl is one of the most important names in the regenerative movement. His book, articles and lectures have inspired thousands of people to create truly regenerative projects around the world.

    We are proud to have him as our guide on this journey through the four dimensions that underlies most of Gaia Education’s core programmes.

    In the 4D Regenerative Design Literacy course, you will have the opportunity to learn directly from him over 6 weeks of study. Join the class starting on March 4th and learn how to improve your regenerative work/projects/life.

    Programme Overview

    Type: e-Learning
    Start Date: March 4, 2024
    Length: 6 weeks
    Study Time: 3 to 5 hours / week
    Facilitation: Facilitated by Daniel Wahl
    Level: Intermediate
    Registrations: until March 12, 2024

    Developed by:
    Gaia Education

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